Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hashtag Sugar (#sugar)

Fact: I only started using Instagram a year ago after buying my Samsung S3. It was because I refuse to acknowledge the mainstream social media--stupidly declaring myself a tech rebel and a social recluse--especially if I have no actual use for it. Actually, that happened with my Facebook, too. During the era of Farmville, I refused to sign up for an account even though my friends kept pressuring me. I only did sign up the day my college professor told us that we are required to upload our works on Facebook for her checking. Man, that made me so helplessly frustrated. Anyway, I'm sharing this delightfully interesting (*sarcasm*) story because I finally found my use of Instagram: online shopping. I have been seriously obsessed with scouting for sellers to follow on it, especially those who sell food and novelty products. Online shopping is perfect for someone unbelievably lazy like me.

In today's busy lifestyle, many have cooking and baking both their hobbies and their livelihood. Gone are the days when you have to go at high-end pâtisseries to buy unique and customized sweets. This may have also driven stay-at-home bakers (both hobbyists and professionals) into a more creative and unique approach at selling their products--to stay ahead with the competition; to thrive in the market--through technology.

During those times I burned through IG tags looking for yummy food-finds (#lookingforph #cupcakesph #cookiesph #galaxyflutesph #fandomapparelph), I came across a few that stood out.

(Disclaimer 1: I am in no way related to or have been previously close friends with these sellers. :) I just stalked their online bakery accounts until my resistance crumbled and I had to grab my phone and order.

Disclaimer 2: I am not trying to pit these sellers against each other. I love them all equally and that was why I featured them here. I used the term "showdown" for my own personal amusement.)

The Sugar Showdown
Click on the pictures! :)

The Brownie Boutique
Signature Sweets by Mon and Pao
Eat  Dessert First PH
Kooky Pam

I am very sure there are many more outrageously delicious online bakery out there that I have yet to try. These are just a few that I was so lucky to have found and tried.

I'm not urging you, my dear readers, to blaze through every online bakery you come across. Unfortunately, technology also made way for scammers. Not all IG shops you may come across will be legit and may probably just rip you off. There's also a concern with safety. We're talking about food here. Food that is prepared in an environment you cannot easily see, access, and assess. Delivery mode of the items can also be a factor that may affect the taste and overall cleanliness and security of the food. Food safety should always, ALWAYS be a priority. A little research will go a long way to cover this. Be finicky, if you must. ;)

To the four online shops I've featured above and to all other undiscovered baking talents out there with their beloved online bona fide bakery/pattiseries and who wants nothing but to serve their customers the best way they can, I applaud you for your hard work, talent, and unmitigated creativity!

On a side but equally important note, I've already started/launched my blog's social pages! You can see their links at the top-right side of this page. So please click on them and follow me! ;) I've also updated my "About" page to reflect my Content Usage Policy. Should you want to use/quote my content and/or pictures, please read my policies. :)


Bobbie :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Crazy for a Cookie: A Kooky Pam Story

(Instagram account: @kookypam)

How do I even begin to describe Kooky Pam's Pastries? Biting into that soft and chewy cookie was...surreal.

Before I go on a steamy description of how in love I fell with Kooky Pam's, as with all love stories, I have to start first with how our paths crossed. I was browsing the IG page of one of my favorite food blogs,, and my eyes fell unto this picture of several huge cookies with an interesting name. I checked the account and I got even more interested. At first glance, the cookies looked nothing remarkable--absolutely plain-looking on the outside. The only thing I found remotely different is that the cookies looked huge. But I was still interested. I had to pursue it.

Kooky Pam

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Creativity Dipped in Chocolate: Eat Dessert First PH

(Instagram account: @eatdessertfirstph)

One of the best ways to get around the hashtags is through the shout-out for shout-outs (SFS). This is how I discovered the wonderful Eat Desserts First (by Ms. Michiko). The shop's Instagram account is pretty straightforward and so lusciously enticing--from pictures of her Yema cupcakes to pictures of her well-loved Smores cookies. It took a lot of self-control to stop myself from buying everything on the menu. So, I decided to try out the Smores Cookies, which was her bestseller, and the Cinnamon Cupcakes--just because I love cinnamon.

Eat Dessert First

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fresh Flavors: Signature Sweets by Mon and Pao

(Instagram account: @signaturesweetsbymonandpao)

I came across this particular online sweets shop, Signature Sweets by Mon and Pao (by Ms. Paola and Monica), when I was browsing through the #cupcakesph tag. The account caught my attention not only because they have one hell of an IG account name but also, because their posts on Instagram look terrifyingly enticing. They don't have a lot of followers for now but, I didn't care! (Usually, I do care since I use that as basis for IG shopping. The more followers an IG seller has, the less chance she's going to be a 'bogus' seller).

Signature Sweets by Mon and Pao

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blame it on the Brownie: The Brownie Boutique

(Instagram account: @thebrownieboutique)

It seems appropriate that I should start with The Brownie Boutique (by Ms. Andrea). This is the shop that started it all. And by "all," I meant the sugar rampage I have been on for the past few months, a few weeks after my TBB order.

The Brownie Boutique

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Broke and Blocked

So, it's been a while. I should warn you now that this is not a post about food or travel, or even about a book. This is personal. If you really want to, then go ahead and click on "Continue." If you don't, just scroll past and I would completely understand (and I shall see you on my next food post!). :D