Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Setting the Scene: Her Companion

Reading at the Cafe candle by Frostbeard Studio
© Bobbie Rebultan

It was overcast, but for a moment the midmorning sun peeked through the clouds. Its rays fell through the large windows, bathing the tables and silverware in a muted glow, giving an illusion of open air. A figure sat with her shoulders hunched and brows furrowed in concentration, her eyes intently following the words on the book resting on the marbled table in front of her. Around her, glasses clinked and indistinct chatter rose and fell across the room. Outside the window she was leaning on, people in coats, ties, and heeled shoes walked briskly, gripping paper cups in one hand and black cases in the other. A sudden burst of high-pitched laughter shot from the table across hers, but she remained unfazed, completely absorbed in the story of a nurse with Dragonscale.

The smell of coffee and chocolate wafted towards her and the sound of soft, familiar footsteps broke her reverie. She looked up. A tall, smiling, bespectacled figure pulled out a chair and sat across her. He handed her a cup with ice floating in swirls of milk and chocolate. ☕🍫 She smiled in thanks. He grinned back, settled on his seat and took out his phone. She took a sip from her drink and in spite of the ice, she felt warmth as she gazed at him.

She sighed, a small smile playing across her lips. It felt like they've been there for hours, comfortable and relaxed. She wouldn't mind spending forever at this exact moment. Her companion met her gaze and gave her a smile that slowed her world down. Really, she mused, she wouldn't mind at all. 💘

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