My Cloud Nine at Mt. Cloud

Mt. Cloud Bookshop
Books have fed my never ending thirst to nourish my imagination. Books have inspired my dream of writing. Reading has been my escape; bookstores, my heaven. Reading has been my reprieve, my perfect dose of medicine.

My friends and family can attest to how much I love books and how I much I love reading. Ever since a little girl, my eyes always light up whenever I have a new fairy tale book. Sure, I never had many friends or playmates when I was a kid but, I was happy enough with my stuffed toys, books, and imagination. Even when I started school, a bookstore is usually where I spend my time after school, looking longingly at the books I cannot afford. That was why when I first learned of a quaint bookshop in Baguio, I immediately included a visit on my list. 

Mt. Cloud (Mountain Cloud) is an independent bookstore located in the renovated Casa Vallejo in Baguio City. It started on 2010 and is owned by sisters and fellow book-lovers Padmapani Perez and Feliz Perez. 

Upon entering, you would be greeted with this charming display and arrangement of both international and local books, all neatly arranged in shelves ceiling-high. I was on cloud nine!

Inside, you'll find cushions and reading nooks, much to my delight. You'll also find more books on a deck upstairs. All books are uncovered and visitors can freely flip through the pages and read while inside the store. There are also lovely crafts and decorations like paper cranes, tin dolls, and novelty items, all scattered around the room creating the most unique and...spirited bookshop I have ever been in. Perfect for those dreamy book-enthusiasts and casual readers, alike.

They have books ranging from international best sellers to local works. They also have a special corner for local comics. They even have a Harry Potter book published by Bloomsbury--an edition not even Fully Booked, my other favorite bookshop, sells (well Fully Booked used to have them)!

Incidentally enough, while I was browsing the shelves, I came across "The Filipino Is Worth Blogging For" by Angela Stuart-Santiago and Katrina Stuart-Santiago. Since I've just recently started this blog, I wanted to buy it but, then the timing So, I didn't. :( I'm regretting it now, though.

I found "The Filipino is Worth Blogging For"!

As you look around, you are encouraged to find a comfortable spot, grab a book you're interested in and read. You can also drink coffee or beer while reading.

"You, coffee or beer, welcome here!"

Much to my delight, they also sell other items like gift certificates, unique bookmarks, vintage frames, crafts, and other thingamajiggs that will enchant your inner creativity.

Shirt Print

Shirt print
"I love to read" shirt

To-Do List Notepad (front)
To-Do List Notepad (back)

Since I've started collecting bookmarks for the past year, and after a futile attempt at scouting Baguio's Woodcarver's village and city market for a native wood carved/crafted bookmark, I was ecstatic to find gorgeous and peculiar bookmarks at Mt. Cloud! 

Resin Bookmark with preserved flowers

Lollipop String Bookmark

Mt. Cloud also hosts events like book launches, creative writing workshops for kids, and author's talks.

Aside from Casa Vallejo, the book shop is also adjacent with Hill Station--Casa Vallejo's restaurant where you can order coffee or beer while reading and, the Baguio Cinematheque where you can also catch an indie film. ;) I found this amusing poster inside the bookshop cafe (or is it Hill Station?).

"Pot Dealer"

The problem with our visit, though was that it was very short-lived. We only stayed for half an hour because it was getting late.

Stepping inside Mt. Cloud was an amazing experience I wish to re-live. One day, when I visit Baguio again, I'll stay longer at Mt. Cloud. Maybe I'd finally find a book I'd like to buy. For book-lovers, for casual readers, for artists, for dreamers, I'm sure you'll find solace in this whimsical shop.

Mt. Cloud Bookshop
Casa Vallejo, Upper Session Road, 
Baguio City
10:30 am - 8pm daily
Telephone: +63 74 424 4437

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